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Rub a Dub Dub

I love pictures of kids in the Bath. I drool over those huge bathrooms with window light and wish that I had one. I  have even considered going to my in-laws to make a photo shoot in their cool large  bathroom. But for today I opted for the easy way, in my very own very small bathroom with no windows at all and the tile in the background is like 30 years old.

It just didn’t matter today because for 1 Isaac was willing to get his photo taken and 2 I have a flash. I used my 85 mm lens in all of these shots…mostly cuz thats the lens that stays on my camera because its the best. I had the flash aimed at the ceiling for bounce and everything was done manually with my flash and the camera and I am so happy at how they turned out.

My settings were this:

My flash was at 1/8 and the zoom was +0.7 My camera was at iso 100 1/200 sec at f/3.2 and very little editing they are almost SOOC -keyword almost.


I am a Utah family photographer. Sit back, relax, take a look at my work, if it's something you'd like...Hit that contact button lets get you on the calendar.