I have avoided posting for so long…it’s just what I do. I like to avoid life when it gets tough. This one has taken me a long time though. I have had many prayers and tears thru the last few months. I HATE change when it’s forced upon me don’t get me wrong I do like change but can’t have it forced. In the last 6 months I have had a lot of change in my life that I did not want to happen…I have been kicking and screaming the whole time. What started this all was that my honey quit his job with nothing else lined up to start is entrepreneurial adventure…and adventure is the right word. K I am the best at supporting but at heart I am NOT a RISK taker. I like steady income but if he wants to that chance to try his dream I’ve gotta let him so it.
Now, you might say that’s weird for having my own business but I started this to pay for my hobby and some and that is how it has worked for me. Plus, Greg made all the dough to pay for the bills…no RISK for me. I have been very fortunate I had my business during this tough time in MY life and it really helped out with bills and to put food on the table.
I know there are many other people out there that have experienced a job loss in the last year or 2 and sometimes it feels good that others are having the similar struggles too but it doesn’t feel good. I would rather there wasn’t this bad economy. I have learned a lot thru all of this and some times I have been very angry and others I have been brought to many more prayers than I have ever done before even the scriptures. I have been very humbled and so blessed by so many people around me and it’s definitely an experience to be the receiver of gifts during this holiday season one that I will never forget and hope to pay if forward (okay not HOPE but plan to). There is still so a lot good out there to be had I just have to see it again (working on this daily). I am so excited for this year and what more lessons I get to learn. YEAH! (see the optimism though a pessimist at heart…the secret is helping me change this part of me) I hope this experience has made me a better woman, wife, mother and friend (I can’t say sister yet but that lesson will come too…ugh!) Interestingly enough thru this time of trial I was inspired to have yet another CHILD and so I am pregnant with my 5th (cross my fingers it’s only 1 twin’s run in the family both sides and I feel so crazy weird this pregnancy or maybe it’s because I am 32). I think I am due sometime in July. And with this being said I have also had a lot of thought about my business and for the whole year it gets to take a back seat. Yep, weird especially with my husband trying his new adventure we are taking another dive or better yet another beautiful life lesson. I will accept clients but very few and I will mostly do trade that works for me. Yep, I love trade especially if I can get my house to be finished with it’s remodeling stages. I will only be taking 4 a month at the most and when the month is full I will refer you to some very talented friends of mine. And just because I am so open I want to share with you all about my business and how it works or worked for me and how the last 3 years I have lost money. I think this could be helpful for all those starting or have started a photography business in Utah County and are very cheap for there pricing. I don’t want to offend but it would be useful information on how my journey was and maybe you could avoid doing it the way I did it. Yep, that will be another BIG post…later! And so there you have it BIG CHANGES!
maybe I can find some pictures to post.
Newborns: these 2 were born on the same day.
My niece
My friend Ali. I shot there wedding