This weekend was a blast…busy but fun! We basically went back to our roots ROCK CLIMBING and BYU.
Greg proposed to me while I was climbing a 10a (the climbs are ranked on difficulty and at this time I had only climbed a 5.8 and a 5.9 the next level is a 10a then it goes to b,c,d, on up to a 14 which is like climbing glass with a few notches). There I was being all cocky that I could do a 10a easy as pie…right! Well, not so much I couldn’t get past the first overhang…kinda funny. Let me skip back…Greg did the lead climb to get the rope up there so I could start my climb but while he did that he had set my wedding ring in a hole at the top…I didn’t even know he had a ring for me…I had know idea he was proposing.
Anyways on my climb I finally got past the overhang it was smooth sailing after that until I realize how high it was. I was done…but Greg belaying me would not let me down. My friends had to chime in…it didn’t help much. He encouraged me that I was almost done and that I can’t give up now I’ve got to finish what I’ve started. He knew exactly what to say…I am a little competitive and so I moved forward and made it to the top. His friend Paul was telling me to stay there for a photo and put my hands in certain holds…let’s say it took me a little bit to find the black box. And the rest is history. We have always said that we would love to take our kids rock climbing…we haven’t done it very much…gonna have to change that. After that fun story are some photos of us.
Do you like Elyse giving it a try with a broken arm, a skirt and boots
I love the colors and light here.
This was Isaac’s pose. He said “Mom, take my picture” music to my ears.
I had to take this photo opportunity when it presents itself