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Photography Tip 101: Golden Hour

 Many photographers ask me how I get such good skin tones and light. I’ve had to think about this and my best answer is the time of day I shoot for particular locations. This particular location, Star Mill,  I knew I could start at 3:00 and be just fine with light but this night we started at 5:00 the sun sets at about 8 or 9 in the summer. So, for me shooting at the golden hour isn’t always golden 🙂 Click here for another session I did at the same location at 3:00 pm. Scroll all the down you will see a session that I shot at the Golden Hour.

Clothes: Persnickety

Model: Cute little Lennon…don’t you love her name?!

This is just before sunset…referred to as the Golden Hour. As you can see the lighting is different. I like this time of shooting but not all the time. Also, it really only lasts an hour, you have to be quick to get what you want.

These 2 shots below I used a reflector so I could more light on her face.


I am a Utah family photographer. Sit back, relax, take a look at my work, if it's something you'd like...Hit that contact button lets get you on the calendar.